Our Roles in The Giver


I would volunteer to care for the elderly. Helping the elderly is an important thing because you never know when old people will disappear. Also helping the elderly gives you social skills. This will help conversation throughout everyday life. Another bonus to helping the elderly is your assignment will most likely involve helping people, which is the most generous type of job in the giver. Volunteering is also a good skill to have because you will have certain abilities to help people. For example, you might be good with feeding the elderly, this would make you a good parent. Or if you were good at cooking before you were an adult.

Sadly, in the “civilization” of the giver the government chooses your assignment or job for you. Thankfully though, depending on the volunteer jobs you take, your assignment could be swayed to something you might enjoy. Personally, I would enjoy any assignment with helping people. Nurturer, helping the elderly, or any other assignment that involves helping others. This would be enjoyable because people in the community would think higher of you for helping others. Overall, any assignments that involve helping people or helping the community would be an ideal job for me if I was placed into the community of the giver.


For my volunteer hours, I would do care taking. I would this because the old are the highest out of anyone and they are seasoned and all of them are very kind and talkative. It is also cool to hear about the old stories they have to tell about their jobs and volunteer hours. I would not want to work in the bathing department though, but I guess living there it is not seen as bad. I like putting others needs before mine, and I feel like this is a way to do that. Hopefully once I pass my volunteer hours and turn twelve I will become a leader. 

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