Debates For Slavery



A lot of people think that slavery was bad. It was bad and it was cruel. We do not want slavery to happen. It didn’t help us as much because we don’t need to torched people to work for us. This is giving away more food even though they cropped it in the first place. It is not fair to treat people for this even though that every adult or kid could have a dream to be whatever they want to be. So we should start making a change so that we could set them free. The people who own slaves should put them in their shoes and do the work that people are making them do. So these are some major reasons why we don’t need to have slaves. We could hire workers and treat them better than just torturing them. We can give them a big meal every day instead of giving them crumbs. We can give them a nice place to live instead of giving them really small places that you have to share with like 25 other people. This is why in the North, we don’t need slaves.


A lot of people think that slavery was good. It was good for some reasons. They would crop for us and will work for us. But we need to treat them back with the same respect. If they are going to work with us, we need to take care of them. We need to give them profits. We need to give them a big meal so that they could have a lot of energy to crop stuff. We should give them better rooms so that they don’t have to share rooms with like 25 people. We shouldn’t have to torture them to make them work for us. These were some examples on how to treat them if we wanted slaves. This helped America a lot back in the day because slaves picked cotton and other things to help America grow. But still back in the day, we shouldn’t of tortured them to just make them work for us. Without this, America would have became a really poor country. Slaves would have to work whatever time the slave owners would say to them and they didn’t even care if the women were pregnant these were all of the reasons why the South wanted slaves.


Why the north was right:
The north is right because one, owning people just doesn’t sound right. Two, if you, the south, were in the slaves shoes you would either kill yourself, run away, or fight. The north was right because in the bible it says, do not own slaves. the slaves being owned were going through a living hell. Back breaking labor. Being pushed all the way to death. No clothes for a year. People in the south, if you were living like this, I bet you couldn’t survive working, no food, and sleeping outside in the cold for a day. The north is right because in the 1860s, 1.2 million men, women, and children were traded domestically. What if you southern folk were one of the 1.2 million? The north has moral values that cannot be matched. In a time of disagreement, fighting, and war,the north stood up for the future of this country. Abraham Lincoln was at the helm of this and saved millions of other life’s. Lives that would’ve been lost in war, slavery, and war’s between the north and the south yet to come. Thank you 
Why the south was right:

The south was right. Why you ask? Where would we be without slaves. We would be crop less, land less, and country less. Slaves gave us everything we could have asked for. Free labor, extensive work, and food. Without slaves, we wouldn’t have a country. And without a country I’m not here right now. The south was right. Even though the north has a valid argument, you are missing the fact that all of you owned slaves. Our president Abraham Lincoln, a member of the union himself, supported slavery for awhile until he got this idea in head it was bad. We treated our slaves with care. We could have done a better job I admit, but the north still new it was a war they couldn’t win. They only reason the north won was more troops. We had 750,000 troops, they had 2 million. Abraham Lincoln knew the only way to win the argument was to go to war. With the numbers they had, he knew it was an automatic win and a way out of us winning the argument. He knew with slaves we were getting more work done, but he thought it was morally wrong. Thank you

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