Current Events on Syria

Aidan Lee
     The source for this current event is The New York Times, the title is Untangling the Overlapping Conflicts in the Syrian War, and it was published Oct. 18, 2015.
     This war was started by the Syrian Government, and has been boosted to a stronger crisis by ISIS and Al-Qaeda’s ongoing conflict with each other. The Syrian War has been an ongoing problem started by Syria, drawn out by Russia, and has been attempted to be stopped by the USA. The war has stared because of Assad killing many innocent people, and Turkey and Russia bombing the Middle East. The war officially started March 15, 2011. The war takes place in Syria and all of the Middle East. This happened by disagreements from large parties, and has been ongoing for four years, without a real attempt to put a stop to it. 

Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde

Aidan Lee
Dr. Jekyll is a man who is loving, caring, courteous, and whole hearted on the outside. Mr. Hyde is dark, twisted, evil, but seemingly indescribable on the outside. But, I think deep down, Dr. Jekyll is really Mr. Hyde’s second personality, and vice versa. I think what Stephenson is trying to show with these two peculiar and strangely realistic characters is that we are all two faced. It’s just a matter of time before that not so lovable and caring personality switches to a cruel, rude and twisted one,and vice versa. Stephenson is teaching a very important and thoughtful lesson that everyone needs to know. 

Notes for Workshops 

Northern Perspective:

The north thought they needed to change from the old ways

Main drive was slavery

Lots of conflict

If we haven’t learned from our past mistakes yet, we never will

War broke out due to slavery

1861 to 1865

Fought the south, Abe Lincoln

Civil war was about slavery

South had advantage

South had Better soldiers, better weapons

North had 4 times as many free citizens as south

North had strong navy

North had to go into unfamiliar territory
South had many slaves fighting in war

Syrian War:

March 2011

July protesters shoot back

Assad vs rebels

Iran is bad

CIA train rebels

Assad uses chemical weapons against civilians

Russia vs USA

Assad loses power to the rebels and ISIS

No end in sights






1) was really bad

2) No

3) the north and the south hadn’t come to a final decision
1861-1865 was the war. They wore different kinds of color clothes. The south let slaves stay. The north didn’t want slaves. Abraham Lincoln said that said that 1 eighth said that there were slaves in the south. They had an advantage. North had a bigger advantage. The north had estimated four times as many free citizens than the south. The north had a strong navy and lots of well built trading ships. If they wanted to concur a war they would have to get a lot of land. They didn’t have at least 70 percent of railroad. The north wanted to end slavery in the south.


Debates For Slavery



A lot of people think that slavery was bad. It was bad and it was cruel. We do not want slavery to happen. It didn’t help us as much because we don’t need to torched people to work for us. This is giving away more food even though they cropped it in the first place. It is not fair to treat people for this even though that every adult or kid could have a dream to be whatever they want to be. So we should start making a change so that we could set them free. The people who own slaves should put them in their shoes and do the work that people are making them do. So these are some major reasons why we don’t need to have slaves. We could hire workers and treat them better than just torturing them. We can give them a big meal every day instead of giving them crumbs. We can give them a nice place to live instead of giving them really small places that you have to share with like 25 other people. This is why in the North, we don’t need slaves.


A lot of people think that slavery was good. It was good for some reasons. They would crop for us and will work for us. But we need to treat them back with the same respect. If they are going to work with us, we need to take care of them. We need to give them profits. We need to give them a big meal so that they could have a lot of energy to crop stuff. We should give them better rooms so that they don’t have to share rooms with like 25 people. We shouldn’t have to torture them to make them work for us. These were some examples on how to treat them if we wanted slaves. This helped America a lot back in the day because slaves picked cotton and other things to help America grow. But still back in the day, we shouldn’t of tortured them to just make them work for us. Without this, America would have became a really poor country. Slaves would have to work whatever time the slave owners would say to them and they didn’t even care if the women were pregnant these were all of the reasons why the South wanted slaves.


Why the north was right:
The north is right because one, owning people just doesn’t sound right. Two, if you, the south, were in the slaves shoes you would either kill yourself, run away, or fight. The north was right because in the bible it says, do not own slaves. the slaves being owned were going through a living hell. Back breaking labor. Being pushed all the way to death. No clothes for a year. People in the south, if you were living like this, I bet you couldn’t survive working, no food, and sleeping outside in the cold for a day. The north is right because in the 1860s, 1.2 million men, women, and children were traded domestically. What if you southern folk were one of the 1.2 million? The north has moral values that cannot be matched. In a time of disagreement, fighting, and war,the north stood up for the future of this country. Abraham Lincoln was at the helm of this and saved millions of other life’s. Lives that would’ve been lost in war, slavery, and war’s between the north and the south yet to come. Thank you 
Why the south was right:

The south was right. Why you ask? Where would we be without slaves. We would be crop less, land less, and country less. Slaves gave us everything we could have asked for. Free labor, extensive work, and food. Without slaves, we wouldn’t have a country. And without a country I’m not here right now. The south was right. Even though the north has a valid argument, you are missing the fact that all of you owned slaves. Our president Abraham Lincoln, a member of the union himself, supported slavery for awhile until he got this idea in head it was bad. We treated our slaves with care. We could have done a better job I admit, but the north still new it was a war they couldn’t win. They only reason the north won was more troops. We had 750,000 troops, they had 2 million. Abraham Lincoln knew the only way to win the argument was to go to war. With the numbers they had, he knew it was an automatic win and a way out of us winning the argument. He knew with slaves we were getting more work done, but he thought it was morally wrong. Thank you

Notes on Civil War

Luca’s Notes on the Civil War

1861-1865, slavery was a main cause to the civil war. The south wanted slavery and to tend to their farms and plantations. 4 million Africans that tended to these farms before the war. Slavery was a huge part of the southern economy. Farmers profited greatly from these slaves. Meanwhile in the north more industrial buildings were being created. The north profited as well because they had low waged immigrants. Dred Scott moved up to the north with his slave owner and once his owner died, he applied for civilization. But the Supreme Court denied it and told him that anyone with African blood could not be a citizen. 1857 denied. In 1860 Lincoln was elected president. He was the first president who had a party that apposed slavery. He knew that for America to grow slavery must come to an end. In 1860 North Carolina seceded from the U.S. And they wanted to start their own countries. one month later six states leave along with North Carolina. they come together and form their own government. They call it The Confederate States of America and the president was Jefferson Davis. April 12th, 1861 the southern states (CSOA) fire fort Sumter in South Carolina. This started the civil war. The union (USA) is the north wanted slavery to be abolished. The confederates or south wanted it to continue. Approximately 800,000 people died during the civil war.

Aidan’s notes on civil war. 


Slavery has direct ties to war

South wanted slaves north didn’t 

North get immigrants to work for them

Dred Scott moved to north and owner died

Case made Supreme Court lose case in 1857

Anybody with African bloodpuoryepruepueueppiupeipyupppeuipuuipeppppeiyruppuppuipuueupippiyuppuuppioyiipipypirppipiiipeipeppepipueuppipupupiippipeupipipipruppiipyuripipeepipepuiipippppeuuprypiruirpe couldn’t be American citizen 

North mad south happy

Abolitionist movement 

William Lloyd ierioriopiepuuppipuupipripprpuipuppur


Fought for women rights as well

1831 famous newspaper liberater

Wanted slavery gone

Wrote about slaves being caught in north and brought down to south

American antislavery society

Frederick Douglas 

Great speaker

Shifted Northampton mind about slavery

Even white men listen

Harriet bleacher stow

Uncle toms cabin 

Best selling book 

Slave auction upset her 

Big part of abolishment

1860 Abe elected 16th president

1st president to oppress slavery

Wanted to succeed 

Do this with slavery gone

1860 secession first state leaves Union South Carolina  

Wanted to start own country 

Month later 6 states leave

They come together and form their own government 

Happened in Montgomery Alabama 

Confederate states of America 

Jefferson Davis 

2 governments to presidents both with different ideals

Civil War begins

April 12 1861 southern states fire upon fort sumpter beginning war

Union=North — Confederates=South 

800,000 deaths in civil war


Jennie Wade

image.jpegJennie Wade was born in 1843 in Virginia. She was raised in a house that is now known as the 6th most haunted house in the world. She was living during  one  of the largest battles of all time. The battle at Gettysburg had a large death toll, but only one civilian died. This civilian was Jennie Wade. She passed during the war, as she was most likely shot. She died at 20 years old, in 1863. She lived a short life, but is well recognized now. Her ghost is haunting her old house, legend has it.

Abraham Lincoln

imageWe learned that Abraham Lincoln was a man who accomplished many things. He was the sixteenth president of the United States. He was also a successful lawyer until he became a president. He grew up in a log cabin and sadly his mother died of a milk disease. He was a successful man, he married his wife in 1860 and had four kids. He was a good man because he tried to get free slavery.

5 Sources and Notes for History of



• In 1990, the first tournaments for arcade games came out, starting the rise of competitive gaming.
• Tournaments started with small arcade games, and the first nintendo games.
• In 2000 PC gaming became popular and the first “real” esport, Quake, came out.
• Now official tournaments were coming out and companies like CPL were hosting.
• Most exports were FPS, first person shooters, but games some RTS, real time strategies, were getting somewhat popular.
• In 2000 the first World Tournaments were rising offering pretty large money pools.
• MLG, Major League Gaming, came out in 2002 and hosting some of the most popular games at the time like Halo 2.
• In the 2012 Spring Championship, 4 million people watched the event, which was more spectators than “real” sporting events like NBA.
• Also in 2012, the rise of GLS, Global Starcraft League, was becoming popular which greatly increased the RTS community.
• The GSL has been a major league for RTS and have generated over 75 million viewers since their launch.
• In 2010 Sci-FPS became more popular and games like Halo became more popular in the exports community
• The debatably most popular genre of eSports, MOBA, became popular with titles like DOTA and League of Legends came popular in 2009
• As of today the most popular genres of eSports are MOBA, RTS, FPS.

Sources (5)



Sources (5)

The Moneyball theory is essentially that of the stock market: “sell high, buy low.”

The trade that acquired Seth Smith from the Colorado Rockies, the A’s dealt pitchers Guillermo Moscoso and Josh Outman. At first glance, both pitchers appeared to be promising prospects: Moscoso went a respectable 8-10 in 128 innings with a 3.38 ERA, while Outman was 3-5 with a 3.70 ERA.
However, closer examination of these guys splits reveal that they are dangerous “flyball” pitchers who benefited from playing their home games at the cavernous Oakland Coliseum.
Moscoso induced ground balls on only 26.7 percent of his pitches put into play (109 out of 407), a historic low. Consequently he was 6-3 at home with an impressive 2.42 ERA, but on the road was a sobering 2-7 with a 4.70 ERA. Outman produced similar splits. These numbers suggest that these two guys have limited upside.
In the trade that acquired Seth Smith from the Colorado Rockies, the A’s dealt pitchers Guillermo Moscoso and Josh Outman. At first glance, both pitchers appeared to be promising prospects: Moscoso went a respectable 8-10 in 128 innings with a 3.38 ERA, while Outman was 3-5 with a 3.70 ERA.
However, closer examination of these guys splits reveal that they are dangerous “flyball” pitchers who benefited from playing their home games at the cavernous Oakland Coliseum.
Moscoso induced ground balls on only 26.7 percent of his pitches put into play (109 out of 407), a historic low. Consequently he was 6-3 at home with an impressive 2.42 ERA, but on the road was a sobering 2-7 with a 4.70 ERA. Outman produced similar splits. These numbers suggest that these two guys have limited upside.
Now what did Beane see in Seth Smith?
First he saw a 2009 on-base percentage(OBP) of 37.8. Those who have read MoneyBall and/or watched the movie know how important a measure OBP is to Beane and colleagues. This is the criteria that brought Kevin Youkilis to Beane’s attention.
However, there were additional measures as well. Smith’s career 51 home runs in 1,285 at-bats through 2011 is an appealing one home run for every 25.2 at-bats. Another crucial measurement is run productivity per plate appearance.
Run productivity is defined as runs scored plus RBI minus home runs. Looking at Smith’s career numbers through 2011, his 200 runs scored, plus 181 RBI, minus 51 home runs, divided by his 1,449 plate appearances yielded a 0.228 run productivity ratio. Anything exceeding 0.215 is very good.
Beane saw the same qualities of patience, productivity and power in both Jonny Gomes and Josh Reddick, whom the A’s acquired during the offseason. Gomes—whom the A’s signed as a free-agent for only $1 million—had produced a 37.2 percent OBP in 2005 and, through 2011, he had hit one home run every 20.06 at-bats, producing a career run productivity ratio of 0.216.
Reddick had an OBP exceeding 35 percent in the minors (2007-9); in limited play with Boston in 2011, he generated a run productivity ratio of 0.223.
The acquisition of Reddick is another great illustration of the “sell-high, buy-low” philosophy put into practice. Beane traded primary closer Andrew Bailey to get Reddick. Bailey’s 75 career saves made him a quite appealing trade prospect.
What did Beane see in Bailey? He viewed him as a closer who would command close to $4 million in arbitration, a sizable eight percent of his payroll budget. He also saw a guy with “inflated numbers”: of Bailey’s 24 saves plus one hold in 2011, only eight involved protecting a one-run lead. Most of his saves were in less stressful multiple run-lead situations.
Beane saw the four losses, the two blown saves in one-run settings and the 37.1 percent ground-ball generation rate and realized that Bailey was not the elite closer he appeared to be.
Beane’s most recent addition is reliever Pat Neshek who was injured in 2008, missed the entire 2009 season, and made only 36 major league appearances in 2010 and 2011 combined. He was obtained from the Orioles organization for mere “cash considerations.”
What might have attracted Beane’s interest in him? Neshek this season had produced 49 strikeouts while surrendering just one home run in 44 innings in Triple A. Already he is paying dividends for Oakland since in four appearances he has struck out six of the 13 batters he’s faced.
Beane and his associates really do study the numbers. They scour minor league statistics to procure players they perceive another organization has overlooked. They study major league statistics to project what a player might become in the future.
Nick Swisher, the prospect the traditional scouts and statisticians agreed upon.



Sources (5) › History

PBS › race › 002_04-background-02-01

Wikipedia › wiki › Racism › resourcefiles

The Christian Science Monitor › Society


Racism consists of ideologies and practices that seek to justify, or cause, the unequal distribution of privileges or rights among different racial groups.
Racism exists when one ethnic group or historical collectivity dominates, excludes, or seeks to eliminate another on the basis of differences that it believes are hereditary and unalterable.
The identification of the Jews with the devil and witchcraft in the popular mind of the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries was perhaps the first sign of a racist view of the world.
Ham, they maintained, committed a sin against his father Noah that condemned his supposedly black descendants to be “servants unto servants.”
When Virginia decreed in 1667 that converted slaves could be kept in bondage, not because they were actual heathens but because they had heathen ancestry, the justification for black servitude was thus changed from religious status to something approaching race.
During the Enlightenment, a secular or scientific theory of race moved the subject away from the Bible, with its insistence on the essential unity of the human race.
Eighteenth century ethnologists began to think of human beings as part of the natural world and subdivided them into three to five races, usually considered as varieties of a single human species.
The Nineteenth century was an age of emancipation, nationalism, and imperialism–all of which contributed to the growth and intensification of ideological racism in Europe and the United States.
The growth of nationalism, especially romantic cultural nationalism, encouraged the growth of a culture-coded variant of racist thought, especially in Germany. Beginning in the late 1870s and early 1880s, the coiners of the term “antisemitism” made explicit what some cultural nationalists had previously implied–that to be Jewish in Germany was not simply to adhere to a set of religious beliefs or cultural practices but meant belonging to a race that was the antithesis of the race to which true Germans belonged.


Our Roles in The Giver


I would volunteer to care for the elderly. Helping the elderly is an important thing because you never know when old people will disappear. Also helping the elderly gives you social skills. This will help conversation throughout everyday life. Another bonus to helping the elderly is your assignment will most likely involve helping people, which is the most generous type of job in the giver. Volunteering is also a good skill to have because you will have certain abilities to help people. For example, you might be good with feeding the elderly, this would make you a good parent. Or if you were good at cooking before you were an adult.

Sadly, in the “civilization” of the giver the government chooses your assignment or job for you. Thankfully though, depending on the volunteer jobs you take, your assignment could be swayed to something you might enjoy. Personally, I would enjoy any assignment with helping people. Nurturer, helping the elderly, or any other assignment that involves helping others. This would be enjoyable because people in the community would think higher of you for helping others. Overall, any assignments that involve helping people or helping the community would be an ideal job for me if I was placed into the community of the giver.


For my volunteer hours, I would do care taking. I would this because the old are the highest out of anyone and they are seasoned and all of them are very kind and talkative. It is also cool to hear about the old stories they have to tell about their jobs and volunteer hours. I would not want to work in the bathing department though, but I guess living there it is not seen as bad. I like putting others needs before mine, and I feel like this is a way to do that. Hopefully once I pass my volunteer hours and turn twelve I will become a leader.