
imageOur Mosiac is a shovel and it resembles the work that slaves endure. During modern day times most slaves work in fields farming crops, or they work with tools harvesting stone, gold, silver or other products. This is why our Mosiac, a shovel, expresses slavery.

Written Roast/Script

Luca: So have you ever wondered where your coffee beans come from? Well in the case of most coffee shops now a days, their coffee beans come from the Ivory Coast. Coffee beans are the second most child slave gathered crop in the world, behind chocolate. The worst part, is that these coffee beans are harvested by child slaves. Can you imagine if you worked in the fields all day harvesting coffee beans without any pay or rest. So most likely, the coffee you drink is harvested by child slaves.


Peers coffee is a billion dollar program but what can they do to change? They can give all their money to charity. Why can’t they give it to charity instead of putting products to entertained customers while slaves who made coffee beans and a lot of slaves are facing like cancer because they were not taken care as much. So maybe they should at least lend a million dollars took the charity to those people who made coffee beans. Without coffee beans or any other products that slaves made, Peets Coffee wouldn’t even be a thing.


Peets coffee has so much money it’s not even funny. Where does this go? To slave owners so that they work their slaves to death? The slaves are kids and they get abused every day. Pets buys their coffee from the Ivory Coast. The Ivory Coast has one of the highest child slave counts in the world. I don’t think I’ll be going to peets any time soon. 

300 Word Journal Entry


Dear Diary,

Pablo Diablo here, today is my third year of being a slave. When I was 14 I was kidnapped by two men in a white van. They took me across the border and I was forced into drug trade. I had to deal drugs for the longest time, risking my life. One time I was almost shot dealing black tar heroin. Thankfully I was never harmed, but I was forced into dangerous work without pay or reward. Finally after a year dealing drugs for these to men, they took me to a different group of men. This changed my work and labor. Though my work as a dealer was much easier than my current job. For two years I have been working in the fields growing and harvesting rice, tobacco, and cotton. This is a brutal task considering I labor in the hot sun of Mexico for 18 hours a day. I spend my nights in an uncomfortable hammock surrounded by barbed wire fences. I have one slave partner named Michael Jordan. We are buddies and he is the only person I trust. Our feeding schedule is completely screwed; we are given one feast a year. Though for the rest of the year, we are to gather our own food outside of our workload. Our owner gives us one hour in the morning to gather food for the day/week. You would think for doing such heavy workloads we would get treated more fairly. There is an old legend, that Michael still says everyday, and still enjoys. The legend is that one day a man named James, escaped his “sleeping pen” and killed his master in the middle of the night. After that, he went on freeing other slaves. These stories are the only form of entertainment we get. Well today was a harsh day, being a slave is hard and I hope one day I can be free, along with Michael. Pablo out.


Hello, my name is Ambimbola Adisa. I used to live in Africa but I got shipped Virginia because I am black. It is 1619and I just got to Virginia and I am chained up to another person. I am 23 years old and I’ve been pregnant for three months. These people will not let us have our freedom. Now I have to go to sleep. Alright they just assigned me a job and and I am picking out cotton. This is really hard because it is really hot here in Virginia. Three months later… I am about to have my baby in one month. These white men are really mean because they are going to make me work in two in the morning even though that I am pregnant. And if I don’t work, then I would get beaten or killed. Alright, it is two in the morning and I don’t know if I can do this. I feel kicking in my stomach and I don’t want to over do it. This is very hard. This white guy just yelled at me because I am picking out the cotton really slow. Ow, I just got whipped because again I was picking the cotton really slow. They nearly missed my stomach and that would’ve damaged my baby a lot. Okay, I just finished my. Cropping day and now I am chained because I was working to slow. They gave me one more chance. I met this one nice girl who is pregnant like me and we are going to fight for our freedom tomorrow. I am sneaking up to a guy with a pick fork. We just knocked him out. Moments later we come up to guy guy with a gun and we are at gun point and he shoots us!!!


Hello, my name is Apu. I work at the rice mills and do not have any family or friends. My family was separated from me and my friends have all been killed by their slave owners. I have not seen my family in 5 years. Sadly, I don’t work inside the mill, which, considering my conditions would be a luxury. I am outside collecting the rice every day. I am beaten almost on a daily basis and my masters could care less if am maned or even killed. My master, thankfully, treats me better than he treats others. He killed a man who do not know the name of two days ago for not obeying his instructions. He was the fifth casualty in the last two weeks. The man said he didn’t want to live anymore and asked the master if he was gonna kill him, do it now. That was the only casualty cause by another person. The other four were suicides caused by either depression or just losing the will to live. I have never considered suicide because I know one day I will get out of this mess. My master tells me I”m here for life. 
I am only 24 and I know by age 30 I will get out. Go see my mother and wife. See my daughter for the first time. Mourn my dead father, the only news I have gotten about my family in these 5 years of hell. I wish I could return to my old life. Why is slavery so popular? Jesus once said treat others the way you want to be treated. No one in the world would want to be treated like this. My master wouldn’t last a day in the rice mill industry. Hopefully I live another day to write.

Workshop Reflection(s) November 9-13th 2015

We learned that slavery has been around since the 1600s. It is still around today in every part of the world. And also some women slaves are abused by their masters. Slavery originated in Virginia and most slaves were used for farming tobacco, rice, and indigo. Though over time these slaves were used to farm cotton and as of today they are used to create silk, dye, gold etc. These slaves are brutally treated, without any pay and must obey their masters all the time. Unfortunately, these slaves are everywhere around the world and we don’t really care. There are some actions to free the slaves, but us as humans still haven’t had a huge impact on slavery. African Americans came on slavery boats with the white men. They were separated from their families and it was tragic for the African Americans. People had to crop cotton and if they don’t they would be beaten or killed. Any time the white people said to do something at two in the morning, even though that they are pregnant, they would still have to do it.

Free the Slaves 5 Facts


  1. I didn’t know that slavery existed in every part of the world.
  2. I didn’t know that slavery is illegal everywhere.
  3. Slavery is growing more and more everyday. There isn’t really a solution for it either.
  4. Most slaves are born into slavery and have never experienced any other life.
  5. I feel slavery is a horrible thing and millions of people are forced into this unfair lifestyle. Personally slaves should be legal, but there should be more rights to slaves. For example, they should be treated fairly, if not better than their owner. Considering the fact that they do tons of labor.


1. I didn’t know children slaves were responsible for making, picking, and growing 12 of the most popular goods overseas. 

2. I didn’t know child labor produced 129 goods, including pornography.

3. Slavery is more popular now than back when Abe Lincoln was president.  

4. Many Slaves are descendants of slavery and don’t even get to know their parents really.

5. Slavery needs to be abolished soon or even the US won’t be doing their own work, it will be slaves doing all the labor. 

Slavery in the Bible

Luca Poulos:

Leviticus 25:44-46 – As for your male and female slaves whom you may have: you may buy male and female slaves from among the nations that are around you. You may also buy from among the strangers who sojourn with you and their clans that are with you, who have been born in your land, and they may be your property. You may bequeath them to your sons after you to inherit as a possession forever. You may make slaves of them, but over your brothers the people of Israel you shall not rule, one over another ruthlessly.

This verse sums up slavery in the bible. Considering that slavery is such a serious thing, most people think poorly of it; and they usually just deal with it. Though in the bible it says that slavery should be abolished.

Aidan Lee: 

Galatians 5:1 says “For freedom Christ has set us free; stand firm therefore, and do not submit again to a yoke of slavery.” The Bible sort of hints at slaves in the Old Testament, but dives deeper into the subject in the New Testament. Most of the verses state that people, should only have one masters and that is God. God says to “not submit to a yoke of slavery.” He is basically saying that don’t give in to slavery. Don’t let people govern over you and force you to work

Anne Frank Scrap Art

Our piece of art describes the loneliness in the story. It resembles a solitary tree. One of the themes in the “Anne Frank” is loneliness. So we decided to create a tree surrounded by nothing. This resembles loneliness because the tree is alone in a valley of peace. There are many other themes in Anne Frank. Though us as a group decided that loneliness was a theme that stood out exceptionally well. The thoughts and emotions expressed by Anne reached us. This story is extremely easy to understand, and the theme’s were clear. In her diary she is always branched off from everyone else. Including her own family. This is why we think our art piece matches the stories themes of isolation and loneliness.